Thursday, March 10, 2011

PENCETUS (Translated).

Ketika ujey berusia 4 thn adiknya W berusia 1 thn. W lain pulak perangai dia. Tak bercakap sepatah pun hanya berbunyi dan menggayakan tangannya apabila inginkan sesuatu. W lagilah pelik. Dipendekkan cerita W kami bawa berjumpa dengan doktor pakar dan dari sinilah segala2nya bermula. Selepas pembedahan dilakukan barulah W boleh bercakap. Alhamdulillah.

Dia mula bercakap ketika berumur 3 thn setengah. Barulah kami mengajar dia membaca dan tak sampai sebulan kami telah melihat hasilnya dan kali ini kami gunakan kaedah yang sama sepertimana kami mengajar  ujey dahulu. Saya mengajar menggunakan mimik manakala suami saya Zahari mengajar secara iqra'. Suatu pagi ketika saya didapur saya terkejut kerana terdengar suara ketawa W. Saya ikut kearah suara tersebut dan terpaku melihat W yang baring dibawah kerusi panjang jenis rotan sedang asyik membaca komik Doraemon dengan lancarnya. Ya.........W boleh membaca kurang dari 1 bulan ketika berumur 3 setengah tahun. Sekali lagi KEJAYAAN BUAT SAYA.

Hari berganti hari dan bulan berganti bulan sehinggalah beberapa tahun selepas itu anak kami yang ketiga bernama N berusia 6 tahun. N tidak boleh lagi membaca. Tidak terlintas dihati untuk mengajarnya cepat membaca kerana kami yakin kami ada jalan penyelesaian. Suami pernah mengatakan yang N biarlah diajar lambat sikit.

Nak dijadikan cerita saya mempunyai seorang kawan yang mempunyai anak yang bernama F sebaya N tetapi masih lagi tidak boleh membaca walaupun dihantar ke tadika yang agak berprestij. F sudah pergi ke tadika selama 2 tahun. Emaknya pernah membelikan hadiah kepada cikgu tadika anaknya dengan harapan yang cikgu tersebut akan mengajar anaknya dengan baik. Malangnya tidak pernah membuahkan hasil. Rohana kecewa tetapi masih lagi berusaha dengan berbagai cara. Sehinggalah suaminya Ruzaini mencadangkan supaya F dihantar ke kampung aje. Kalau di kampung taklah malu sekiranya anak itu tidak pandai membaca kerana di sekolah rendah pun masih ramai lagi tidak boleh membaca. Cikgu di tadika mengatakan F suka berangan dan daya ingatanya agak lemah.

Rohana teringat akan saya yang ketika itu masih bekerja di sebuah tadika cina dengan gaji permulaan RM200 sehinggalah naik disekitar RM600. Kerja ni pun saya tak minta tapi di tawarkan kerana bos ditadika tu melihat saya hanya duduk dirumah. Walaupun sedikit saya merasa puas kerana jiwa saya yang sayangkan kanak2. Mana nak sama bekerja sebagai secretary dengan guru tadika. Kalau di pejabat saya akan sentiasa bergaya dengan baju kuning, kasut kuning, beg kuning dan sarung kaki kuning. Kalau baju hitam semuanya hitam. Kalau merah semuanya merah. Pakaian ala Olivia Newton John. Berbahasa Inggeris dan bos pun ketika itu ada mat salleh, Pakistani dan Singaporean. Ramai foreigner. Bila bekerja di tadika pakaian dah jauh berubah. SEMPOI. Macam makcik pun ada, macam amoi dari Jinjang pun ada dan macam minachi pun ada. Bak kata orang apa yang dapat dicapai oleh tangan akan terus dipakai. Yang terindah sekali ialah pada hari pertama menjejakkan kaki bekerja di tadika. Barulah saya tahu bahawa jiwa saya adalah jiwa seorang pendidik. Tugas sebagai seorang secretary bukanlah tugas yang sesuai untuk saya.

Sekarang ni dah ada dua orang yang perlu saya selesaikan masalah bacaannya. N dan F. F diberhentikan oleh Rohana dari tadikanya dipertengahan tahun bermakna tahun yang ketiga di tadika hanya belajar setakat 6 bulan sahaja. Setiap hari Rohana akan membawa F datang kerumah pada waktu tengahari kerana pukul 12 tengahari habislah tugas saya mengajar di tadika cina itu. Saya pun mula mengajar F dan N dengan kaedah yang sama saya ajarkan kepada W. Rohana terkejut kerana dalam masa 3 bulan anaknya F dan anak saya N telah menguasai kemahiran membaca surat khabar, menulis, mengeja, mengira dan membaca Bahasa Inggeris. Rohana bertanyakan kepada saya kaedah apa yang saya gunakan. Saya kata ejek2 dan itu adalah secara kebetulan budak2 tu boleh membaca.

Rohana adalah seorang wanita yang ' bisnes minded'. Dia menyarankan kepada saya untuk membukukan kaedah tersebut. Saya mengatakan yang hanya saya saja yang boleh mengajar dan adalah mustahil untuk dijualkan kepada orang ramai. Rohana terus memujuk dan mengatakan sesuatu yang bagus kenapa tidak kita kongsikan bersama masyarakat. Dia menyokong saya dan dengan bantuan suami saya Zahari, Rohana dan suaminya Ruzaini saya mengambil keputusan untuk menulis buku bacaan yang menggunakan kaedah mimik, latih tubi dan iqra' maka lahirlah satu sistem yang dipanggil "CAHAYAKU." Ikuti kisah selanjutnya macamana saya melalui liku2 kehidupan ketika CAHAYAKU masih dalam bentuk mock-up. TUNGGU...................


4th translation of the blog entry, 'The Catalyst' March 10, 2011

Note from Millus_M: Another translation and the penultimate of how Cahayaku was finally created, and again sorry for the delay for those who wait.

I seen and acknowledged that my translations are far from perfect (especially the last few entries, they're a bit hard to get it right!) but do bear in mind that what counts is the fact that both sides, in this case me and you- are able to get the message across. Don't get me wrong, there are always room for improvement in everything so I will edit the translation if it is necessary, if Puan Chahaya and time permits.

Anyways, Enjoy!


When Ujey was 4 years old his younger brother, W was only 1 year old. W had different personality traits. He never speaks, not even a word except for making grunting sounds and uses both of his hands to express himself, which made him wierder than Ujey. Long story short, we brought W to a specialist and from here is where everything starts. After a recommended surgery finally W was able to speak. Thank the Almighty for that.

He started to speak properly when he was 3 and a half years old. Then at that age we taught him on how to read and the results were present in less than a month with us using the same method of teaching Ujey on how to read. I taught him based on mimicking whereas my husband was using the Iqra' technique (a peculiar way of arabs teach on reading by memorizing the syllables). On one morning when I was in the kitchen I was surprised to hear W laughing somewhere in the house. I followed the laughter only to found out that W was lying under the rattan sofa in the house and was reading Doraemon (a comic book, Japanese Manga specifically) with impeccable fluency. It's true... W learned how to read in less than 1 month when he was 3 years and half years old. another ACHIEVEMENT FOR ME.

As days and months gone by until the time where our third child and our daughter, N who was 6 years old who cannot read gave me the determination to solve her reading problems as to now that we have the 'solution' in hand. This was intentional on N's case being taught at her later age, as my husband wanted N to be taught in a slow pace and a smaller learning curve compared to the previous two children.

It became more interesting when a friend of mine, Rohana had a daughter, F who was at the same age with N and had the same problem of not being able to read even when she was sent to a prestigious kindergarten to remedy the problem. F went to kindergarten for more than 2 years, and Rohana even went so far as to bought gifts for the teacher, hoping that they will try their best on to solve F's problem on not being able to read. Alas, there wasn't any progress at all but F's mother never gave up and went so far to try different methods to overcome her child's problem. Her husband even considered to have F live her life at the outskirts of the city, as in such communities the lack of reading skill doesn't make a difference to them as opposed to the city life. F's kindergarten teacher clarified that the reason was due to F loves daydreaming and a little bit 'weak' on her brainpower.

Then Rohana remembered me who was at that time worked as a teacher at a Chinese kindergarten school with an initial salary of RM200 and raised up to RM600 at a later time. It wasn't the job that I asked but the 'boss' offered me due to the fact that she saw me sitting at my house doing nothing but house chores. The salary isn't much but I was content of what I had due to the fact that I love children. Of course, it's nothing compared to my days back as a secretary; where in the office I can have my clothes, shoes, handbag and socks all having the same colour. If it's black, everything's black and when there are days that everything is red, reflecting on the fashion statement ala Olivia Newton John. I spoke back then purely in English as some of my boss was a Caucasian, Pakistani and Singaporean. Lots of foreigners back then. Now, in the kindergarten everything changed. In essence, plain and simple. sometimes I look like an Aunt, or a lass from Jinjang or even like a minachi (ED note: Jinjang is a name of a place in Selangor, Malaysia and Minachi is just a name or a surname, no simple meaning behind it) As per what many said; Grab what you can, hence my appearance. But the sweetest of all would be my first day in the kindergarten, as it sparked me back then that I knew that deep inside, I am 'destined' to be an educator. Being a secretary wasn't really a suitable job for me.

Back to the main story, as I have two children that I need to take care of their problems with reading, N and F. F stopped going to the 'prestigious' kindergarten by Rohana in the middle of the year in which F's third year in kindergarten was only 6 months. Every day Rohana brought F to my house in the noon exactly at 12 which was the exact time for me going back to home from my kindergarten. I taught both F and N with the same exact technique that I used on W, and Rohana was shocked when F and N able to read, write, spell, count and even read English in just 3 months. Rohana asked me what method did I use, I told her of the 'teasing' concept and also coincidence that the two children can already read at start.

Rohana is a 'business-minded' woman, and when she heard of the technique and concept she urged me to write a book about the concept. I told her that I am the only person that can utilise the technique and it is impossible to sell it to the public. Nevertheless, Rohana kept coaxing me about writing a book for the concept and she said the golden word of why not share it with the community, especially for those who are in need. With my husband's Support Zahari, Rohana and her husband, Ruzaini I made the decision to write a book which uses the Mimick concept, drills and iqra' in which the system "CAHAYAKU" was born. Stay tuned for the next entry in which I went through the hardships of life when CAHAYAKU was still in mock-up state. Until then, Please WAIT.............

Translated by: Millus_M

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Madah Penyelidik Senior Cahayaku

Covid memenuhi dunia. Manusia makin pupus ditelan keadaan. Manusia mungkin tidak berdaya melangkah kemasa depan. Politik pula mengila me...